BRAHMS - A Collective


Works With Opus Numbers
By Opus Number: Composition Name/Set:
1Piano Sonata No. 1 in C Major
2Piano Sonata No. 2 in F sharp minor
3Six Songs for Tenor or Soprano and Piano
  1. Liebestreu - Fidelity in Love
  2. Liebe und Frühling I - Love and Spring I
  3. Liebe und Frühling II - Love and Spring II
  4. Lied - Song
  5. In der Fremde - Far From Home
  6. Lied - Song
4Scherzo in E Flat minor for Piano
5Piano Sonata No. 3 in F minor
6Six Songs for Tenor or Soprano and Piano
  1. Spanisches Lied - Spanish Song
  2. Der Frühling - Springtime
  3. Nachwirkung - Aftereffect
  4. Juche - Hurrah!
  5. Wie die Wolke nach der Sonne - As the Cloud after the Sun
  6. Nachtigallen schwingen lustig - Nightingales Swoop Happily

7Six Songs for Voice and Piano
  1. Treue Liebe - True Love
  2. Parole - Watchword
  3. Anklänge - Reminiscences
  4. Volkslied - Folksong
  5. Die Trauernde - The Unhappy Girl
  6. Heimkehr - Homecoming

8Piano Trio No. 1 in B Major for Piano, Violin and Cello
9Sixteen Variations for Piano on a Theme by Schumann
10Four Ballads for Piano
11Serenade No. 1 in D Major forLarge Orchestra
12Ave Maria for Women's Chorus and Orchestra or Organ
13Begräbnisgesang - Funeral Song for Chorus and Wind Instruments
14Acht Lieder und Romanzen - Eight Songs and Romances for Voice and Piano
  1. Vor dem Fenster - Outside the Window
  2. Vom verwundeten Knaben - About the Wounded Boy
  3. Murrays Ermordung - The Assassination of Murray
  4. Ein Sonnett - A Sonnet
  5. Trennung - Separation
  6. Gang zur Liebsten - Visiting His Sweetheart
  7. Ständchen - Serenade
  8. Sehnsucht - Longing

15Piano Concerto No. 1 in D minor
16Serenade No. 2 in A Major for Small Orchestra
17Four Songs for Female Chorus, Two Horns and Harp
  1. Es tönt ein voller Harfenklang - I Hear a Harp
  2. Lied von Shakespeare - Song from Shakespeare
  3. Der Gärtner - The Gardener
  4. Gesang aus Fingal - Song from Fingal

18String Sextet No. 1 in B Flat Major for 2 Violins, 2 Violas, and 2 Celli
19Five Poems for Voice and Piano
  1. Der Kuss - The Kiss
  2. Scheiden und Meiden - Parting and Separation
  3. In der Ferne - Far Away
  4. Der Schmied - The Blacksmith
  5. An eine Aeolsharfe - To an Aeolian Harp

20Three Duets for Soprano and Alto with Piano
  1. Weg der Liebe I - Way of Love I
  2. Weg der Liebe II - Way of Love II
  3. Die Meere - The Sea
21/1Variations for Piano on an Original Theme in D Major
21/2Variations for Piano on a Hungarian Song, in D Major
22Sieben Marienlieder - Seven Songs of the Virgin for mixed Chorus a cappella
  1. Der englische Gruß - The English Greeting
  2. Marias Kirchgang - Mary Goes to Church
  3. Marias Wallfahrt - Mary's Pilgrimage
  4. Der Jäger - The Hunter
  5. Ruf zur Maria - Call to Mary
  6. Magdalena - Magdalena
  7. Marias Lob - Mary's Praise

23Variations for Piano Four Hands on a Theme by Schumann
24Variations and Fugue for Piano on a Theme by Handel
25Piano Quartet No. 1 in G minor
26Piano Quartet No. 2 in A Major
27The 13th Psalm for Three-voice Women's Chorus with Organ or Piano
28Four Duets for Alto and Baritone with Piano
  1. Die Nonne und der Ritter - The Nun and the Knight
  2. Vor der Tür - Before the Door
  3. Es rauschet das Wasser - The Water Rushes
  4. Der Jäger und sein Liebchen - The Hunter and His Beloved

29Two Motets for Five-voice mixed Chorus a cappella
  1. Es ist das Heil uns kommen her - The Grace of God Has Come to Man
  2. Schaffe in mir, Gott, ein rein Herz - Create in Me, God, a Pure Heart

30Geistliches Lied - Spiritual Song for Four-voice Chorus with Organ or Piano
31Three Quartets for Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass and Piano
  1. Wechsellied zum Tanze - Dialogue at the Dance
  2. Neckereien - Teasing
  3. Der Gang zum Liebchen - Going To the Loved One

32Nine Songs for Voice and Piano
33Romanzen (Magalone-Lieder) - Romances (Magelone Songs) for Voice and Piano
34Piano Quintet in F minor
34bSonata for Two Pianos in F minor
35Studies for Piano in A minor - Variations on a Theme by Paganini
36String Sextet No. 2 in G Major for 2 Violins, 2 Violas, and 2 Celli
37Drei Geistliche Chöre - Three Spiritual Choruses for Women's Chorus a cappella
  1. O bone Jesu
  2. Adoramus
  3. Regina coeli

38Cello Sonata No. 1 in E minor for Cello and Piano
39Waltzes for Piano
40Horn Trio in E Flat Major for Horn (or Cello or Viola), Violin and Piano
41Five Songs for Four-part Male Chorus
  1. Ich schwing mein Horn ins Jammertal- I Blow My Horn to Sorrow's Vale
  2. Freiwillige her! - A Volunteer
  3. Geleit - Escort
  4. Marschieren - Marching
  5. Gebt Acht! - Be on Guard!

42Three Songs for Six-part mixed Chorus a cappella
  1. Abendständchen - Evening Serenade
  2. Vineta - Vineta
  3. Darthulas Grabegesang - Darthula's Dirge

43Four Songs for Voice and Piano
  1. Von ewiger Liebe - Of Everlasting Love
  2. Die Mainacht - The May Night
  3. Ich schell mein Horn ins Jammerthal - I Sound My Horn in the Valley of Grief
  4. Das Lied vom Herrn von Falkenstein - The Song of the Lord of Falkenstein

44Zwölf Lieder und Romanzen - Twelve Songs and Romances for Four-part Women's Chorus a cappella or with Piano ad libitum
  1. Minnelied - Minnesong
  2. Der Bräutigam - The Bridegroom
  3. Barcarole - Barcarole
  4. Fragen - Questions
  5. Die Müllerin - The Miller's Daughter
  6. Die Nonne - The Nun
  7. Vier Lieder aus dem Jungbrunnen (I) - Four Songs from the Fountain of Youth (I)
  8. Vier Lieder aus dem Jungbrunnen (II) - Four Songs from the Fountain of Youth (II)
  9. Vier Lieder aus dem Jungbrunnen (III) - Four Songs from the Fountain of Youth (III)
  10. Vier Lieder aus dem Jungbrunnen (IV) - Four Songs from the Fountain of Youth (IV)
  11. Die Braut - The Bride
  12. Märznacht - March Night

45Ein deutsches Requiem - A German Requiem for Soloists, Chorus and Orchestra
46Four Songs for Voice and Piano
  1. Die Kränze - The Wreaths
  2. Magyarisch - Magyar Song
  3. Die Schale der Vergessenheit - The Goblet of Oblivion
  4. An die Nachtigall - To the Nightingale

47Five Songs for Voice and Piano
  1. Botschaft - Message
  2. Liebesglut - Blaze of Love
  3. Sonntag - Sunday
  4. O liebliche Wangen - Oh Lovely Face
  5. Die Liebende schreibt - A Woman in Love Writes a Letter

48Seven Songs for Voice and Piano
  1. Der Gang zum Liebchen - Visiting His Sweetheart
  2. Der Überläufer - The Turncoat
  3. Liebesklage des Mädchen - The Lovelorn Girl's Lament
  4. Gold überwiegt die Liebe - Gold Prevails Over Love
  5. Trost in Tränen - Consolation in Tears
  6. Vergangen ist mir Glück und Heil - I Have Lost Happiness and Well-Being
  7. Herbstgefühl - Autumnal Mood

49Five Songs for Voice and Piano
  1. Am Sonntag Morgen - On Sunday Morning
  2. An ein Veilchen - To a Violet
  3. Sehnsucht - Longing
  4. Wiegenlied - Lullaby
  5. Abenddämmerung - Twilight

50Rinaldo (Cantata) for Tenor, Male Chorus and Orchestra
51Two String Quartets - No. 1 in C minor, No. 2 in A Major
52aLiebeslieder Waltzes for Four Voices (SATB) and Piano Four Hands
52bLiebeslieder Waltzes for Piano Four Hands (no Voices)
53Alto Rhapsody for Alto, Male Chorus and Orchestra
54Schicksalslied - Song of Destiny for Chorus and Orchestra
55Triumphlied - Song of Triumph for Eight-part Chorus and Orchestra (Organ ad libitum)
56aVariations for Orchestra on a Theme by Haydn
56bVariations for two Pianos on a Theme by Haydn
57Eight Songs for Voice and Piano to texts by Daumer
58Eight Songs for Voice and Piano
  1. Blinde Kuh - Blind Man's Bluff
  2. Während des Regens - During the Rain
  3. Die Spröde - The Unapproachable Woman
  4. O Komme, holde Sommernacht - Oh come, Fair Summer Night
  5. Schwermut - Melancholy
  6. In der Gasse - In the Narrow Street
  7. Vorüber - Gone By
  8. Serenade - Serenade

59Eight Songs for Voice and Piano
  1. Dämmerung senkte sich von oben - Twilight Has Lowered From Above
  2. Auf dem See - On the Lake
  3. Regenlied - Rain Song
  4. Nachklang - Lingering Sound
  5. Agnes - Agnes
  6. Eine gute, gute Nacht - A Very Good Night
  7. Mein wundes Herz - My Sore Heart
  8. Dein blaues Auge - Your Blue Eyes

60Piano Quartet No. 3 in C minor
61Four Duets for Soprano and Alto with Piano
  1. Die Schwestern - The Sisters
  2. Klosterfräulein - Nuns
  3. Phänomen - Phenomenon
  4. Die Boten der Liebe - The Messengers of Love

62Seven Songs for Mixed Choir
  1. Rosmarin - Rosemary
  2. Von alten Liebesliedern - From Old Love Songs
  3. Waldesnacht - Night in the Forest
  4. Dein Herzlein mild - Thou Gentle Heart
  5. All meine Herzgedanken - My Heartfelt Thanks
  6. Es geht ein Wehen - A Sigh Goes Floating
  7. Vergangen ist mit Gluck und Heil - I Have Lost Happiness and Well-Being

63Nine Songs for Voice and Piano
  1. Frühlingstrost - Spring's Consolation
  2. Erinnerung - Reminiscence
  3. An ein Bild - To a Picture
  4. An die Tauben - To the Doves
  5. Junge Lieder I - Young Songs I
  6. Junge Lieder II - Young Songs II
  7. Heimweh I - Homesickness I
  8. Heimweh II - Homesickness II
  9. Heimweh III - Homesickness III

64Three Quartets for Soprano, Alto, Bass and Piano
  1. An die Heimat - To the Homeland
  2. Der Abend - The Evening
  3. Fragen - Questions

65aNew Liebeslieder Waltzes for Four Voices and Piano Four Hands
65bNew Liebeslieder Waltzes for Piano Four Hands (no Voices)
66Five Duets for Soprano and Alto with Piano
  1. Klänge I - Sounds I
  2. Klänge II - Sounds II
  3. Am Strande - On the Beach
  4. Jägerlied - Huntsman's Song
  5. Hüt du dich! - Take Care!

67String Quartet No. 3 in B Flat minor
68Symphony No. 1 in C minor
69Nine Songs for Voice and Piano
  1. Klage I - Lament I
  2. Klage II - Lament II
  3. Abschied - Farewell
  4. Des Liebsten Schwur - My Sweetheart's Promise
  5. Tambourliedchen - Little Song of the Drummer
  6. Vom Strande - From the Beach
  7. Über die See - Over the Sea
  8. Salome - Salome
  9. Mädchenfluch - A Girl's Curse

70Four Songs for Voice and Piano
  1. Im Garten am Seegestade - In the Garden by the Seashore
  2. Lerchengesang - Song of the Larks
  3. Serenade - Serenade
  4. Abendregen - Evening Rain

71Five Songs for Voice and Piano
  1. Es liebt sich so lieblich im Lenze! - Love is so Delightful in the Spring!
  2. An den Mond - To the Moon
  3. Geheimnis - Secret
  4. Willst du, dass ich geh? - Do You Want Me to Go?
  5. Minnelied - Minnesong
72Five Songs for Voice and Piano
  1. Alte Liebe - Old Love
  2. Sommerfäden - Summer Threads
  3. O kühler Wald - Oh Cool Forest
  4. Verzagen - Despondency
  5. Unüberwindlich - Unconquerable

73Symphony No. 2 in D Major
74Two Motets for Mixed Chorus a cappella
  1. Warum ist das Licht gegeben dem Mühseligen? - Why is Light Bestowed on the Brokenhearted?
  2. O Heiland, reiss die Himmel - Oh Saviour, Rend the Heavens

75Vier Balladen und Romanzen - Four Ballads and Romances for Two Voices and Piano
  1. Edward - Edward
  2. Guter Rat - Good Advice
  3. So lass uns wandern! - So Let Us Wander!
  4. Walpurgisnacht - Walpurgis Night

76Eight Piano Pieces
77Violin Concerto
78Violin Sonata No. 1 in G Major
79Two Rhapsodies for Piano
80Akademische Festouverture - Academic Festival Overture for Large Orchestra
81Tragische Ouverture - Tragic Overture for Orchestra
82Nänie for Chorus and Orchestra (Harp ad libitum)
83Piano Concerto No. 2 in B Flat Major
84Fünf Romanzen und Lieder - Five Romances and Songs for One or Two Voices with Piano
  1. Sommerabend - Summer Evening
  2. Der Kranz - The Wreath
  3. In den Beeren - Among the Berries
  4. Vergebliches Ständchen - Fruitless Serenade
  5. Spannung - Tension

85Six Songs for Voice and Piano
  1. Sommerabend - Summer Evening
  2. Mondenschein - Moonlight
  3. Mädchenlied - Girl's Song
  4. Ade! - Goodbye!
  5. Frühlingslied - Spring Song
  6. In Waldeseinsamkeit - In the Loneliness of the Forest

86Six Songs for Low Voice and Piano
  1. Therese - Therese
  2. Feldeinsamkeit - The Loneliness of the Field
  3. Nachtwandler - Sleepwalker
  4. Über die Heide - Over the Heath
  5. Versunken - Enraptured
  6. Todessehnen - Longing For Death

87Piano Trio No. 2 in C Major for Piano, Violin and Cello
88String Quintet No. 1 in F Major
89Gesang der Parzen - Song of the Fates for Six Voice Chorus and Orchestra
90Symphony No. 3 in F Major
91Two Songs for Alto Voice, Viola and Piano
  1. Gestillte Sehnsucht - Satisfied Longing
  2. Geistliches Wiegenlied - Spiritual Lullaby

92Four Quartets for SATB and Piano
  1. O schöne Nacht - Oh Lovely Night
  2. Spätherbst - Late Autumn
  3. Abendlied - Evening Song
  4. Warum? - Why?

93aSix Songs and Romances for Four Voice mixed Chorus a cappella
  1. Der Bucklichte Fiedler - The Hump-backed Fiddler
  2. Das Mädchen - The Maiden
  3. O sü~ßer Mai - Oh Sweet May
  4. Fahr wohl! - Journey Well!
  5. Der Falke - The Falcon
  6. Beherzigung - Heeding

93bTafellied - Table Song for Six-part mixed Chorus and Piano
94Five Songs for High Voice and Piano
  1. Mit vierzig Jahren - At Forty
  2. Steig auf, geliebter Schatten - Arise, Beloved Ghost
  3. Mein Herz ist schwer - My Heart is Heavy
  4. Sapphische Ode - Sapphic Ode
  5. Kein Haus, keine Heimat - No House, No Homeland

95Seven Songs for Voice and Piano
  1. Das Mädchen - The Maiden
  2. Bei dir sind meine Gedanken - My Thoughts are With You
  3. Beim Abschied - At Parting
  4. Der Jäger - The Hunter
  5. Vorschneller Schwur - Hasty Oath
  6. Mädchenlied - Maiden's Song
  7. Schön war, das ich dir weihte - It was Beautiful, My Solemn Gift to You

96Four Songs for Voice and Piano
  1. Der Tod, das ist die kühle Nacht - Death is the Cool Night
  2. Wir wandelten - We Were Walking
  3. Es schauen die Blumen - Flowers Look
  4. Meerfahrt - A Voyage on the Sea

97Six Songs for Voice and Piano
  1. Nachtigall - Nightingale
  2. Auf dem Schiffe - On the Ship
  3. Entführung - Abduction
  4. Dort in den Weiden - There Among the Willows
  5. Komm bald - Come Soon
  6. Trennung - Separation

98Symphony No. 4 in E minor
99Cello Sonata No. 2 in F Major
100Violin Sonata No. 2 in A Major
101Piano Trio No. 3 in C minor for Piano, Violin and Cello
102Double Concerto in A minor for Violin, Cello and Orchestra
103Eleven Gypsy Songs for Middle Voice and Piano
104Five Choruses for Mixed Chorus a cappella
  1. Nachtwache I - Night Watch I
  2. Nachtwache II - Night Watch II
  3. Letztes Glück - Last Luck
  4. Verlorene Jugend - Lost Youth
  5. Im Herbst - In Autumn

105Five Songs for High Voice and Piano
  1. Wie Melodien zieht es mir - As If Melodies Were Moving
  2. Immer leiser wird mein Schlummer - My Slumber Grows More and More Peaceful
  3. Klage - Lament
  4. Auf dem Kirchhofe - In the Churchyard
  5. Verrat - Betrayal

106Five Songs for Voice and Piano
  1. Ständchen - Serenade
  2. Auf dem See - On the Lake
  3. Es hing der Reif - Hoarfrost Hung
  4. Mein Lieder - My Songs
  5. Ein Wanderer - A Traveler

107Five Songs for Voice and Piano
  1. An die Stolze - To a Haughty Woman
  2. Salamander - Salamander
  3. Das Mädchen Spricht - The Girl Speaks
  4. Maienkätzchen - Catkins
  5. Mädchenlied - Girl's Song

108Violin Sonata No. 3 in D minor
109Fest- und Gedenksprüche - Festive and Commemorative Pieces - Four Songs for Eight-part Chorus a cappella
110Three Motets for Four and Eight-part Chorus a cappella
  1. Ich aber bin elend - Oh God I am Humble
  2. Ach, arme Welt - Ah, Shallow World
  3. Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein - When We are in Greatest Need

111String Quintet No. 2 in G Major
112Six Quartets for SATB and Piano
  1. Sehnsucht - Longing
  2. Nächtens - Dusk
  3. Vier Zigeunerlieder No. 1 - Four Gypsy Songs No. 1
  4. Vier Zigeunerlieder No. 2 - Four Gypsy Songs No. 2
  5. Vier Zigeunerlieder No. 3 - Four Gypsy Songs No. 3
  6. Vier Zigeunerlieder No. 4 - Four Gypsy Songs No. 4
113Thirteen Canons for Women's voices
114Clarinet Trio in A minor for Clarinet (or Viola), Cello and Piano
115Clarinet Quintet in B minor for Clarinet and String Quartet
116Seven Fantasies for Piano
117Three Intermezzi for Piano
118Six Piano Pieces
119Four Piano Pieces
120Two Sonatas for Clarinet (or Viola) and Piano
  1. No. 1 in F minor
  2. No. 2 in E Flat Major

121Four Serious Songs for Bass Voice and Piano
122Eleven Choral Preludes for Organ (opus postum)

Works Without Opus Numbers

  • Canons for mixed vocal ensembles a cappella

  • Choral Prelude and Fugue in A minor for organ, on "O Traurigkeit, o Herzlied"

  • Dem dunkeln Schoss der Heilen Erde - Song for mixed Chorus a cappella

  • Fugue in A Flat minor

  • 49 German Folksongs
    (42 for Solo Voice and Piano, 7 for Four-part Chorus)

  • 28 German Folksongs for Solo Voice and Piano

  • 14 German Folksongs for mixed Chorus

  • 12 German Folksongs for Four-part mixed Chorus

  • Eight German Folksongs for Three- and Four-part Women's Chorus

  • 16 German Folksongs for Three- and Four-part Women's Chorus

  • 20 German Folksongs for Three- and Four-part Woemn's Chorus

  • Two Gavottes for Piano
  1. No. 1 in A minor
  2. No. 2 in A Major

  • Two Gigues for Piano
  1. No. 1 in A minor
  2. No. 2 in B minor

  • Dein Herzlein Mild - The Little Heart Mild - Song for Four-voice Women's Chorus

  • Hungarian Dances: for Piano Four Hands (Nos. 1-21); for Piano solo (Nr. 1-10); for Orchestra (Nos. 1, 3, 10)

  • Kleine Hochzeitskantate - Small Wedding Cantata for Four Voices and Piano

  • Kyrie in G minor for Four voices and Basso continuo

  • Missa Canonica in C Major for Four- to Six-part mixed Chorus a cappella
  1. Sanctus in A Flat Major
  2. Benedictus in F Major
  3. Agnus Dei in F minor
  4. Dona nobis pacem in C Major

  • Mondnacht - Moon Night

  • Ophelia Lieder - Ophelia Songs

  • Five Songs for voice and Piano

  • Song for Voice and Piano

  • Piano Trio in A Major

  • Prelude and Fugue in A minor for Organ

  • Prelude and Fugue in G minor for Organ

  • Regenlied - Rain Song for Voice and Piano

  • Two Sarabands for Piano
  1. No. 1 in A minor
  2. No. 2 in B minor

  • Scherzo for Violin and Piano in C minor from the F.A.E. Sonata

  • 51 Studies for Piano

  • 14 Children's Folksongs

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